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Call or email us for a free 20 minute resume/career discussion.Middle Career Resume Samples
It is of particular importance for those in the mid-career phase of their career to remember that your resume is a marketing tool designed to get you results. Keeping in mind that a resume has a marketing function and that it is not an autobiography, makes it easier to recognize past experiences for what they really are—stepping stones to the phase you are right now in your career. Further, the relevance of past experiences determines whether or not they are to be excluded, included/emphasised in your new and more progressive resume.
Mid-career resumes also start with a career summary or professional profile. Placed prominently at the top of the resume, this section is perhaps the most important synopsis of your background since it is often the only part of your resume that someone reads. The focus of this section should be directed to the areas relevant to your next career move using previous aspects of your background to bolster this transition with transferable skills, experience, knowledge.
View Chronological Resume Samples, Functional Resume Samples and Combined Resume Samples
A strategic resume from Resume World will help you get into your new job or even a new promotion much faster than the norm. These samples will give you ideas and strategies to develop your own resume. Alternatively, our resume writing experts can develop a compelling resume that demonstrates your accomplishments and competencies to employers enabling you to land a successful job. Click here to find out more about our Professional Resume Writing Service.
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